Adjective (の)
1. biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
Pitch accent
Composed of
the most; the extreme; prime; conspicuous
large; big; great; prominent; -sized; as big as; university
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
largest class; top category
world's largest
global maximum; greatest value
greatest ... in history
biggest; largest scale
largest ever; biggest; record
maximization; maximisation
greatest common divisor; GCD
maximum (e.g. dose); greatest amount; largest amount
maximum instantaneous wind speed
maximum carrying capacity; maximum payload
full screen; maximum display; maximized view
maximum allowable normal mode overvoltage
maximum allowable common mode overvoltage
maximum operating normal mode voltage
maximum operating common mode voltage
maximum normal mode voltage
maximum common mode voltage
most significant bit; MSB
most significant digit; MSD
maximum parsimony method
principle of maximum entropy
Examples (39 in total)
Drive with the utmost care.
What's your biggest fear?
Attack is the best form of defense.