Adjective (の)
1. last; final; closing
2. last train (bus, flight, etc.; of the day)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
ultimate weapon; one's final trump card
last time; last inning; last part; final episode (of a television program)
final; eventual; ultimate
final game; final games; the finals
end goal; final target
final adjustment; final coordination
last chapter (book, etc.)
final selection (e.g. of applicants); final screening; shortlisting
final decision; ultimate decision; official decision; finalizing; last word (on or about something); final word
last flight; last bus; last train
last year of school
last train (of the day)
final qualifier; final qualifying round
final performance; last performance
final conclusion; end product
final version
closing argument; closing statement
final responsibility; ultimate responsibility
final program (programme, plan)
final disposal location; final disposal site
last update; last updated
last hole (in golf)
final proofreading; page-proofing
final value
Olympic Cauldron lighter; Olympic torch lighter; last runner in the Olympic torch relay
final goods; final commodity; end product
Examples (19 in total)
Tom is taking his final exam.
That's my last word.
What time does the last Tokyo train leave?