1. difference; variation
2. difference
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (73 in total)
between (e.g. two people); face to face; hindrance; impediment; arrhythmic section of recitative in noh music; playing with only 2 players; prefix used for stress or emphasis
incremental difference (e.g. between files); "diff"; difference; subtraction; (finite) differences
marginal profits
Examples (13 in total)
The difference in our ages is not significant.
There's not much difference between the two opinions.
Does a uniform eliminate class difference?
I showed them the difference of ability.
I missed the train by two minutes.
They defeated our team by three goals.
Price increases explain the difference between the real and nominal growth rates.
We lost by two points.
I missed the bus by three minutes.
I missed the train by only a few minutes.
I missed the train by only one minute.
The Giants lost the game by 20 points.
They got to the station only a few minutes apart.