Adjective (の)
1. left; left hand side
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
right and left
left hand; left-hand side; left-hand direction; (on) the left
Examples (19 in total)
My left foot hurts.
The towel on the left is yours.
My left eyelid is twitching.
Right and left are opposites.
Please move the TV set to the left.
Turn left at the corner.
Turn left and you will find the cafe.
The computer is to her left.
He made a sharp turn to the left.
Please move the desk to the left.
The tower leaned slightly to the left.
Turn left at the first light.
Arabic must be read from right to left.
The road curves to the left around the building.
He saw a small Band-Aid on her left knee.
The man regained the use of his left arm.
Tom broke his left ankle during a rugby match.
My mother taught me to always look both to the left and to the right before crossing the street.
Walk two blocks, and turn left.