1. resentment; grudge; malice; bitterness
2. matter for regret; regret
esp. 憾み
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
pent-up resentment; grudges and hard feelings
being resented (by someone one holds resentment towards); thinking ill of a person based on a misunderstanding; unjustified resentment caused by a misunderstanding; responding to kindness with resentment
song with lyrics about resentment and a sorrowful tune; resentful complaint
hard feelings; (mutual) resentment
one-sided grudge
excessive envy (of somebody in much the same position as oneself); (lit.) envy of a leper's pockmarks
Examples (3 in total)
I bear no grudge against you.
Lisa has a grudge against Stan.
He bore a grudge against me.