1. this evening; tonight
Pitch accent
Composed of
the current ...; this; today's ...
counter for nights
Examples (81 in total)
I'm free tonight.
Ah... maybe tonight...
I don't feel like eating out this evening.
What shall we eat tonight?
"May I call you tonight?" "Sure."
I feel very sad tonight.
Is there a room available for tonight?
Bill, call me tonight.
I want to stay here tonight.
He won't turn up tonight.
It's warmer than usual tonight.
The moon this evening is fantastic.
It might not freeze tonight.
I'm going out tonight, regardless.
Who is going to speak tonight?
She is off duty tonight.
Rain is forecast for this evening.
He is on night duty tonight.
The debate will happen tonight.
Can you talk via Skype tonight?
Come and see me tonight.
Will he come this evening?
I want to sleep in my own bed tonight.
I'm seriously too busy, so I can't come tonight.
"I have a date tonight." "With who?"
"We need to get ready for the party." "Oh, was that tonight?"
You don't need to make dinner tonight.
I have no place to sleep tonight.
I'll call you up around eight this evening.
Tonight we will eat grilled eels.
"Are you going to the Bon Festival tonight?" "Of course!"
The ship will cross the equator tonight.
Tonight I plan to go to a concert.
I don't want tonight to end yet.
I have a date tonight with an old girlfriend.
I will be with you tonight.
He promised to come home early tonight.
Why is the moon so big tonight?
I'm not in the mood to watch TV this evening.
You are all our guests tonight.
She is leaving for America tonight.
If it's raining, I won't go out tonight.
We're going to see a foreign film tonight.
Do I have to attend the party tonight?
She rarely sings, but I think she will tonight.
The President is to speak on television this evening.
My father is to appear on TV tonight.
The ambassador is leaving Japan tonight.
How about eating out this evening for a change?
He is leaving Narita for Hawaii this evening.
Please stay at my house tonight.
Michael is to be on a TV program tonight.
The weather forecast says that it's going to snow this evening.
If possible, I'd like to meet you tonight.
Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight.
Is it possible to see Venus tonight?
Junko will have to study math tonight.
He may come and see us tonight.
Let's eat out tonight. I'm too tired to cook.
The stars are shining very brightly in the sky tonight.
My father usually drinks beer, but this evening he drank wine.
It will get very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow.
Can you lend me a guitar to use on stage tonight?
We are to meet him at seven this evening.
I wish my parents would let me stay up later at night.
You can get in touch with him at his home tonight.
This train gets to Chicago at 9 o'clock tonight.
I'm so tired that I don't feel like studying tonight.
Are your parents going to be home tonight?
If it's convenient, please come here tonight.
I'm supposed to babysit the children tonight.
I don't think that I'll sing that song tonight.
He played an excellent host at today's party.
The show will be a great feature of tonight's program.
The dinner he ate this evening was inferior in quality to that dinner.
Because of this it will probably be generally cloudy and rainy weather over tonight and tomorrow.
I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I plan to go to bed early tonight.
Tom said that I could spend the night at his place.
If I were you, I'd go to bed early tonight.
Perhaps we will see each other again tonight.
"Do you know when they will arrive?" "At eleven-thirty this evening."