1. tonight; this evening
Pitch accent
Composed of
the current ...; this; today's ...
evening; night; dinner; evening meal; counter for nights
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
good evening
Examples (52 in total)
Why don't you come over tonight?
I want to eat out tonight.
Can you come for dinner tonight?
Call me this evening.
It is going to be cold tonight.
Are you free this evening?
I'd like to make a reservation for tonight.
I'm going out with Lisa tonight.
What time shall I call you tonight?
Will you stay at home tonight?
I don't want to go anywhere tonight.
I wonder if he'll come tonight.
I'm meeting her this evening.
He looks tired this evening.
I suppose it's going to rain this evening.
By the way, are you free tonight?
I don't feel like going out tonight.
We have a party this evening.
I'll leave Tokyo tonight.
I haven't eaten dinner yet this evening.
How about playing chess tonight?
I have a headache, so I'm going to bed early tonight.
I want to eat pizza tonight.
I am invited to dinner this evening.
We are giving a farewell party for him tonight.
Surely he'll phone me tonight.
Can you tell me who is coming tonight?
I feel like going to bed early tonight.
Sorry, but I have to work tonight.
I decided. I'm going to ask him out tonight.
I want to see baseball on television this evening.
Mr. Bell is due to make a speech tonight.
I have a test tomorrow, so I'll study tonight.
They are to hold a party tonight.
The play begins at six this evening.
Tom has invited me over for dinner this evening.
The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight.
He is acting like Nelson tonight.
The weather bureau says it will rain tonight.
I wanted her to come here this evening.
He is to come to my house tonight.
I think I'll stay home and watch TV this evening.
I'll leave Tokyo for Osaka tonight.
It was a scary movie. I think I'll have nightmares about it tonight.
I will have finished the work by seven this evening.
We had better not stay up too late tonight.
The boat is to leave for England this evening.
I would rather read a book at home than go out tonight.
The surprise party for Laura is not tonight, but tomorrow night.
A moon rocket will be launched tonight.
"What's for dinner tonight?" "I'm thinking of making grilled salmon."
I have a reservation for three nights from tonight.