1. this week
Pitch accent
Composed of
the current ...; this; today's ...
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
before the week is out; before the week is over; within the week; sometime this week
this week's issue (e.g. magazine)
Examples (31 in total)
This week was tough.
This is Fire Prevention Week.
Luckily, it was warm this week.
You ought to go there this week.
I've been very busy this week.
You worked a lot this week.
The shop is closed all week.
We have had fine weather this week.
I'll take a vacation this week.
The peace talks begin this week.
I have to get up early every day this week.
Are there any good movies being shown this week?
Do we have class this Friday?
You don't need to get a haircut this week.
The plum blossoms are at their best this week.
Our topic of the week is intolerance.
They are all away on holiday this week.
The students must not enter the teachers' room this week.
I hope it doesn't rain this Sunday.
They are having breakfast at eight this week.
Are you going to play tennis this week?
He put in ten hours of overtime this week.
The weather forecast said there'd be rain all week.
Men's suits are on sale this week at that department store.
I plan to travel to Japan this week or next week.
Our town was bombed twice this week.
We are to pay back the money within the week.
She promised that she would pay me this week, but she didn't keep her word.
Recently I have been feeling a little tired, so I have not gone swimming this week.
Mary is staying up late this week to prepare for her finals.
This week I had three midterms.