1. the current ...; this
2. today's ...
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
today; this day
this time; now; next time; another time; recently; lately
from now on; hereafter
this evening; tonight
the present term
this time; now
tonight; this evening
from now on; hereafter
this year
this morning
this week
this month
nowadays; recently
this world; this life
this year; this fiscal year; this school year
this century
the present (day or age)
end of this month
by the end of this month; before the month is out; in the course of this month
this evening; tonight
this season
this world
nowadays; these days; at present
the present time; new; recent
this summer; next summer; last summer
present-day people; people of this world
present time; now; nowadays
today and (or) tomorrow
current Diet session
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time); What appeared wrong in the past now appears right; realizing and regretting the past errors of one's ways
now; currently; presently; nowadays; present day; these days