1. United Nations; UN
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
Model United Nations; Model UN
UN forces; UN troops
United Nations (UN) Headquarters
United Nations Security Council
United Nations General Assembly; General Assembly of the United Nations
UN peacekeeping forces
United Nations resolution; UN resolution
United Nations Secretariat
UN ambassador
UN Charter; Charter of the United Nations
United Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (Organisation); FAO
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNHCR
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
financial contributions to the UN made by member-nations
United Nations Development Program; UNDP
United Nations Environment Programme (Program); UNEP
United Nations Day
UN observer force
UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission; UNMOVIC
United Nations Human Rights Commission
UN Special Session on Disarmament
official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish)
United Nations Human Rights Council; UNHRC
United Nations Security Council
policy of alignment with the United Nations; UN-centrism
Examples (7 in total)
The United Nations will deal with that international problem.
Cambodia appealed to the United Nations for help.
Demand the exclusion of the country from the U. N.