1. people (of a country); nation; citizen; national
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (62 in total)
national (e.g. hero, pastime, consensus); relevant to all citizens; popular on a national level
the whole nation
Japanese citizen; Japanese citizens
national traits or character; nationality
citizens of one's own country; fellow countrymen; compatriots
Constitutional Nationalist Party (1910-1922); Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party); Kuomintang
national economy
unpatriotic person; traitor (to one's country)
national mood; national sentiment; national feeling
the life of the people; the people's living
elementary school (in Japan; 1941-1947)
national assembly (esp. France)
whole nation; entire nation; all the people
national referendum
universal conscription
national uniform (such as mandated for Japanese males in 1940)
People's Honour Award (honor); National Honour Award
sovereignty of the people
national army
other nations; other peoples
Nationalist Government (of China; i.e. under the Kuomintang)
national pension; government pension system
food universally loved by all citizens; comfort food
national morality
public holiday; national holiday
national health insurance
disease affecting an entire nation
the people of all nations
national review (referendum on a legal matter)
inexpensive hotel operated by a local government
American (citizen)
citizen's holiday; by law, any weekday that falls between two other national holidays (e.g. between 1985 and 2006 May 4, now Greenery Day)
gross national product; GNP
the rising generation; children
British person; British citizen; Briton
low class citizen
national treatment; treating foreigners and locals equally
national income
fellow countrymen
gross national income; GNI
national citizen identification number system
National Revolutionary Army (Republic of China; 1925-1947)
Nazism; national socialism
Civil Protection Law
National Requisition Ordinance (1939)
out of touch with the voters; indifferent to the concerns of the people
national vacation village
gross national expenditure; GNE
national health insurance program (programme)
net national product; NNP
Kokumin Shinto; People's New Party (Japanese political party)
Kokumin Shinto; People's New Party (Japanese political party)
net national welfare; NNW
Civil Protection Plan
national disposable income
national traits; national character
Examples (43 in total)
The Japanese are a brave people.
The Americans are an aggressive people.
The Japanese are an industrious people.