Adjective (な)
1. international; worldwide; cross-border; cosmopolitan
Pitch accent
Composed of
international; diplomatic intercourse
-ical; -ive; -like; -ish; (something) like; along the lines of
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
international trade
international trade
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (formal WHO declaration); PHEIC
Examples (10 in total)
The drug problem is international.
The United Nations is an international organization.
She has international renown as a painter.
Our club is affiliated with an international organization.
We are internationally competitive in production technology.
Kyoto is internationally famous for its scenic beauty.
English is always considered an international language.
China’s global influence has expanded rapidly in recent years.
The problem began to assume an international character.
Some countries have stopped whaling in the face of international criticism.