1. joint together; opposite; facing
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (72 in total)
happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing
in all; in total; collectively; in addition; besides; at the same time
on hand; readily available
fate; chance
back to back; discord; feud; opposite sides of the same coin
to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)
to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)
bumping of heads; running into; coming across; encountering
introduction; meeting
garnish (e.g. vegetables with a meat dish); trimmings; fixings; relish
joint; seam
an assortment; combination
things on hand; things in stock; money on hand; money in one's wallet; on hand; in stock
combination; assortment; matching (in a contest); pairing; combination
adjoining each other
turn of fortune; twist of fate
rhyming game; play on words; pun
women's obi with a different colour on each side; facing each other; being opposite; (arch.) informing each other; (arch.) coming to terms with one another
combination; assortment (of goods); assorted basket or box (e.g. of chocolates)
back to back; discord; feud; opposite sides of the same coin
poetry contest
checking answers (e.g. to homework problems); verifying one's answers
opposite mirrors
opposite mirrors
rhyming game; play on words; pun
game; contest; bout
enquiry; inquiry; query; interrogation; ENQ
on hand; readily available
arranging beforehand to tell the same story; getting the stories straight; coordinating one's stories
reading out and comparing (e.g. proofs against a manuscript); read-through (of a script)
something joined together
meeting together; introduction; costarring; appearing together; being matched; facing off
things on hand; things in stock; money on hand; money in one's wallet; on hand; in stock
assortment (of food); assorted dishes; combination platter
comparing and adjusting; reconciling; lapping; precision surface finishing; margination
combination technique in Judo
dress coordination; costume coordination; fitting session; costume fitting
making the numbers balance; fixing the numbers; number-juggling; making up the numbers (e.g. to form a majority)
rhyming game; play on words; pun
combination (e.g. of foodstuffs); dovetailing; fitting together
(musical) tuning
kai-awase; Heian period shell-matching game; kai-awase; Heian period shell comparison game; tribadism; tribbing
test of strength
engaging or meshing (of gears); occlusion (of teeth)
looking at each other; postponement; suspension; interruption
combined miso (e.g. white and red)
hana-awase (type of hanafuda game); any hanafuda game involving matching cards from one's hand with cards of the same suit in the field (such as hachi-hachi, koi-koi); flower-comparing contest (Heian period)
alignment; justification
taking multiple medications; taking medicine and certain foods together or in close proximity (which should be avoided)
picture-matching (with card games, etc.); matching pictures; picture-matching contest (popular in the Heian period); e-awase
incense-smelling game
Happy Families (card game)
frot (sex act)
fitting things back to back; agreement of minds
matching surface; mating face
orchestra rehearsal
mono-awase; Heian period poetry, paintings, etc. comparison game
to carry on together; to do at the same time
veneer board; plywood
dream reading
combination lock
back to back
boundary alignment
dowel; guide dowel
neawase; Heian period game of pulling out sweet flags and competing over whose plant has the longest roots
dog fighting; dog fight