1. between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing; spring and fall clothing
also written as 間
2. together
3. condition; situation; state
4. -ish
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (139 in total)
making a joint signature or seal
case; situation
bench used by kabuki actors during performance; for enemies and allies to pull back their troops at the same time; responding to enemy arrow fire with arrow fire
match; game; bout; contest
sign; signal; cue
interval; distance; suitable time; appropriate opportunity; distance between opponents (kendo)
association; socializing; socialising; fellowship
condition; state; health; state (of health); way; manner
medium-sized paper (approx. 15x21 cm, used for notebooks); medium-sized photo print (approx. 10x13 cm)
competition; rivalry; something worth doing
association; socializing; socialising; fellowship
reason; right
well-matched (esp. of a couple); becoming; suitable
ready-made; common-law (wife)
that kind; competition; match
collusion; conspiracy; common-law marriage; illicit intercourse; liaison
between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing
interval; break; pause; spare moment
duplicate key; pass key; master key; skeleton key
negotiations; bargaining; dialogue; duet
person of mixed parentage; crossbreed; Eurasian; hybrid; crossbreed
texture (cloth, fabric, paper); market tone; undertone; balance between the position of white and black stones (in go)
meeting; rendezvous; encounter; confluence
association; union; guild
suitable time; good time; propriety; moderation
degree; extent
agreement (e.g. business, dispute); understanding; compromise; mutual relations (between family members, coworkers, etc.)
password; watchword; motto; slogan
balance; equilibrium
locking sword to sword (in a duel) and pushing; fierce, close-fought competition
assurance; guarantee
one's husband; one's wife
cooperation; mutual aid (help)
hindrance; offense; offence; prohibition
consideration; comparison; balancing; circumstances; condition
competitive bids or bidding
(fighting) spirit; motivation; shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.); cheer; kiai; short shout when performing an attacking move
discussion; talk; tête-à-tête; conference
affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people)
colouring; coloring; shade (of colour); flavour; nuance; feel
rate; ratio; comparatively; contrary to expectations
number of days; period of days; daily interest rate
implication; nuance; shade of meaning; connotation
aizuchi; back-channeling; interjections indicating that one is paying attention; two smiths hammering at an object in turn
formal marriage interview; marriage meeting
side; flank
skirmish; brush (with the enemy); small fight with a military enemy; squabble; quarrel; brief argument
flaw; defect; problem; inconvenient
glaring at each other; confrontation; standoff; face-off
social disposition
contact; connectedness; rapport; mutual touching
iai; art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards
scramble; struggle
rendezvous; meeting; area where guests gather before the start of a tea ceremony; waiting room; (arch.) meeting place for assignations, drinking, etc.
collision; clashing
off the coast; offshore; out at sea
crossing swords; fighting with swords; cutting each other (in fighting)
meeting; gathering; village assembly; two wrestlers approaching each other
rising from a crouch to charge; initial charge; face-off
probe each other; sound each other out
relationship; connection; involvement; entanglement; implication (e.g. in a crime)
valley; ravine; glen; gorge
making a joint signature or seal
interlude (in traditional Japanese music); chanting or clapping along (during a song or dance); interjection
sharing a table with someone you don't know (e.g. at a restaurant)
conflict; fighting each other
reference; example; inquiry (about a product, business deal, etc.); enquiry; being summoned to appear to court; witness
interaction with one's neighbors; relationship with one's neighbors (neighbours)
between times; when there's a spare moment
friendly relations; social relations; social life
pushing and shoving; jostling; hustling
jostle; struggle; scuffle
riding together; fellow passenger; joint partnership
jostling; crowding
cheating each other
compromise; mutual concessions; give-and-take
quarrel; feud; wrangling; snarling (at each other)
texture (cloth, fabric, paper); feel; appearance
aiki (principle that allows a conditioned practitioner to negate or redirect an opponent's power)
rate; ratio; percentage; commission; poundage; percentage
(mixture of) ground beef and pork
disposition; temperament; turn of mind; atmosphere; feeling
mesh size of a net
depending (too much) on one another; mutual overreliance; (lit.) licking each other's wounds
exchange (something) together
relationship; connection; involvement; entanglement; implication (e.g. in a crime)
(musical) accompaniment
family relationship
chance meeting; fortuitous encounter
between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing
reason; circumstances; meaning
keeping accounts; balancing accounts
meat of a fish (e.g. tuna) that is dark red with blood, usu. coming from the parts close to the spine
attacking each other; capturing race (e.g. in go); mutual attack
chum; pal; dagger; stiletto; unbalanced record of wins between two wrestlers
tidal hour; right time; favourable opportunity (favorable)
baggage claim tag (at hotels, stations, etc.)
door between the rooms
social relationship; friendship
weather; course of events
meeting of the stars Vega and Altair (on the night of Tanabata); meeting of the two love stars
steadiness (of market price); holding; no change
check (e.g. baggage claim); tag; token; tally; score
fresh or dried fish preserved in salt
constant quarreling; constant quarrelling; bickering; wrangling
relative; person to whom one is close
relying on each each; looking after each other
verification seal; tally
fitting together (e.g. nuts and bolts); fit
clash of minds (between friends); discord; emotional conflict
dancing together in unison (in noh, kyogen, etc.)
competitive bids or bidding
common (e.g. fishery or hunting ground); commonage
gripe session; grievance session
compromise; concession
quarreling; quarrelling
associating with relatives; keeping in touch with relatives; associating with someone as if they were family; family-like relationship
look of the sky
double-pointed nail; dowel
competition; emulation; rivalry
neighborly relations; neighbourly relations
collation of sections (bookbinding); gathering
fleshiness; plumpness
fleshiness; plumpness
stew made from multiple ingredients
biting one another; long and short market interests
Japanese curry with an additional topping (e.g. shredded beef, hayashi-rice sauce, etc.)
L-shaped nail; staple; small clamp
handling fee; commission
wedge (for securing objects together); tie; bond
fight in which things are thrown at each other (e.g. pie fight); pitching duel
slip sheet (printing)
doing something together; co-owning something and using it together; being on par with one another