1. number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group
2. sobriquet; pen-name
3. size (of printing types, canvases, knitting needles, etc.)
4. suffix attached to names of ships, trains, airplanes, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (96 in total)
posthumous name (based the deeds one has performed in their lifetime)
honorific mountain name prefixed to a temple's name
number; series of digits
title; name; degree
code; password; cipher
signal (sound); starting gun signal
signal; signalling; signaling; traffic light; traffic signal
order (esp. to a number of people); command; ritual of bowing at start and end of school class
suffix for room numbers; suffix for apartment numbers
symbol; code; sign; notation
telephone number
number one
number two; mistress; concubine
newspaper extra
sign; mark; symbol; sign (e.g. positive, negative)
suffix for train car numbers
ten epithets (of Buddha)
name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa); Japanese era name
name of store; trade name (esp. of a sole proprietorship); stage name (e.g. of actor)
doctor's degree; doctorate; PhD
doctor's degree; doctorate; PhD
suffix for building numbers
signal gun; starting gun
first issue
name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa); Japanese era name
suffix for building numbers
alias; pseudonym; pen name; nom de plume
the next issue
special issue; extra issue; special number
special number
Buddha's name (esp. when used in prayer)
this week's issue (e.g. magazine)
every issue or number
next number (magazine, etc.); next issue
next month's issue
equals sign; equality sign
special number; special issue
Mary Celeste (famous British ship found in 1872 without crew or passengers); archetypal ghost ship; unmanned ship
Mary Celeste (famous British ship found in 1872 without crew or passengers); archetypal ghost ship; unmanned ship
moan; wailing
priest's name or posthumous Buddhist name
code; mark; symbol
less-than sign or greater-than sign (< or >); inequality sign
New Year issue
number or size of periodicals or pictures; type size
another name
special enlarged (bumper) issue
preceding issue
master's degree
temple's name
monk's self-chosen pseudonym
honorary title; title of honour; title of honor
part number; PN
item number; product ID number; reference number
multiplication sign; sign of multiplication
baccalaureate; bachelor's degree
former emperor (or his empress, imperial princesses, etc.); posthumous Buddhist name containing the character "in"
original store; first store
temple name (a two-character posthumous name given to Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese royalty); name given to a mausoleum (or shrine, etc.)
firm name; trade name
change of name or title; change of era
denomination of a Shinto shrine; company name
unit symbol
key signature
missing issue (of magazine)
radical sign; root sign
symbol; emblem; sign
minus sign (-); negative sign
final issue; last issue of a publication
an enlarged issue
Imperial surname; title borne by a prince of the blood as a head of a house
plus sign; sign of addition
old name; back number
gradational salary
short-lived magazine
plus sign (+); positive sign
priest's religious name
arsphenamine; compound 606; salvarsan
minus sign
mathematical division sign
natural (sign)
(space) filler; fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.)
earthquake simulator
double sign; plus-minus sign; plus or minus sign
current model
last issue (of a magazine, etc. which has suspended publication); final issue
Operation Ketsugō (Japanese military plan for responding to the Allied invasion of the homeland)
Examples (13 in total)
He named the ship the Swallow.
Your subscription expires with the June issue.
They named the spaceship "Discovery."