Adjective (い)
1. high; tall
2. expensive; high-priced
3. high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
4. loud
5. high-pitched; shrill
Pitch accent
Top 26500
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
piled up high; in a heap
lifting (a child) high up in the air
loud snoring
tall (of a person)
renowned; famous
fragrant; aromatic
having an expert eye; having a discerning eye
tall (of a person)
tall (of a person)
having an expert eye; having a discerning eye
proud; lordly
proud; having a prominent nose
haughty; holding one's head high
very likely; very probable
high in the sky
important; having a high status; having standing; exalted; of high station
important; having a high status; having standing; exalted; of high station
proud; having a prominent nose
having an expert eye
infamous; notorious
infamous; notorious
very likely; very probable
high-ranking; senior
ridiculously expensive; stupidly expensive
ridiculously expensive; stupidly expensive
high quality
having a high threshold (for entry); difficult to approach; feeling awkward to go to (of someone's home)
person who is overly conscious about appearing interesting (esp. online)
virtuous; respectable
highly conscious; highly aware; well-versed; highly knowledgable
nothing costs as much as what is given to us; there's no such thing as a free lunch
nothing costs as much as what is given to us; there's no such thing as a free lunch
having a high threshold (for entry); difficult to approach; feeling awkward to go to (of someone's home)
being widely talked about as a prominent prospect (for)
expensive to rent; ranked too high for one's abilities (of a wrestler)
widely viewed as a prominent prospect (for)
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
fools fall easily for flattery; (lit.) fools and smoke rise to great heights
Examples (200 in total)
It's expensive though.
It's really expensive, isn't it?
It isn't expensive.