1. clause; paragraph; item
2. argument
3. term (of an equation)
4. nape (of the neck)
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 17700
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
item; heading; category; headword (in a dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.); entry
matter; item; facts
clause; article; stipulations
confidential matters
point in common; common term; common trait; common denominator
closely-guarded secret; top secret
necessary information; required fields (e.g. in a form)
important matter; matters of weight
important points; main points
binomial; binary; dyadic
preceding clause; previous paragraph; antecedent (of a ratio)
monadic; simplex; unary
like terms; similar terms; same kind; same class
next clause; following paragraph; next item
each item; each clause
nub; core of the issue
item number
relevant items; applicable items
argument position
to paragraph; to itemize; to itemise
multinomial distribution
ternary operator; conditional operator
polynomial regression
internal terms
claim (esp. in a patent)
cosmological term