Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation
Pitch accent
Composed of
going; travelling; act; action; bank; counter for banks; counter for groups or parties of people
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
doing something separately (from the group); going off on one's own
ability to take action; ability to take initiatives; energy; dynamism; drive
independent action; acting alone
free action; free activity; acting at one's own discretion; taking one's own course; free hand; independent action
behavioral pattern
behavioral principle; principle (value) governing one's conduct
covert action; covert operations
field of activities; area of activity; range of behavior (behaviour); habitat
military movements
group action; collective behavior; collective behaviour; acting as a group
active; dynamic; behavioural
acting as a group; doing something together (in a group); collective action
guidelines for action; personal principles
course of action
abnormal behavior (behaviour)
courtship behavior (animals)
active people; doers; people who get things done
behaviorism; behaviourism; activism
behavioral pattern
radius of action; sphere of activity
movement restriction
standard of conduct; code of behavior; moral code; culture (of an organization)
high-energy food (climbing, etc.); backpacking food; provisions; rations
threat behavior; show of force; deimatic behavior
behavioural therapy (behavioral)
behavioral economics; behavioural economics
joint action; acting in unison
behavioral disorder; behavioural disorder
behavioral science; behavioural science
sex (sexual) behavior (behaviour)
behavioral characteristic; behavioral trait
operation order
nocturnal animal
doer; person of action
behavior modification
code of conduct; code of practice; action program; plan of action
verbal behaviour; language behaviour
behavioral ecology; behavioural ecology
behavior (esp. in response to an emergency, medical situation, etc.)
hyperactivity; excess activity
feed intake behavior; feeding behavior; foraging behavior; grazing behaviour
behaviour analysis; behavior analysis
zone of action
crowd behavior; crowd behaviour
corporate activity
mating behavior
territorial behavior; territorial behaviour
political action committee; PAC
Examples (90 in total)
Act faster!
Now is the time for action.
His act was dangerous.