Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation
Pitch accent
Composed of
going; travelling; act; action; bank; counter for banks; counter for groups or parties of people
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
doing something separately (from the group); going off on one's own
ability to take action; ability to take initiatives; energy; dynamism; drive
independent action; acting alone
Examples (90 in total)
Act faster!
Now is the time for action.
His act was dangerous.
Be more careful in your actions.
Now is the time to act.
I only act for myself.
The time is ripe for action.
You are not consistent in your actions.
I believe that actions are more important than words.
I can hardly stand his behavior.
The police were suspicious of his movements.
His behavior is sometimes strange.
Such conduct will give rise to suspicion.
Animals act according to their instincts.
Justice is expressed through actions.
It is the behavior of the control group that is important in this connection.
He had little freedom of action.
You should be ashamed of your behavior.
My brother has been acting strange lately.
His behavior is contrary to his belief.
He took offense at his daughter's behavior.
He resented his friend's action.
I acted upon what I believed.
Your behavior is in conflict with your principles.
The man's behavior was very odd.
I am ashamed of my conduct.
His behavior is nothing like his father.
We have to act now.
I think the actions he took were right.
You are responsible for what you do.
If you consider his age, then you can't blame him for his actions.
The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior.
He is acting on his own behalf.
I acted on his advice.
His behavior conflicts with what he says.
Such conduct doesn't fit in with your reputation.
Such behavior may bring about an accident.
He acted on my advice.
That kind of behavior is characteristic of the boy.
A wise man would not act in that way.
There is no excuse for your actions.
Is it difficult to act according to Buddhist principles?
They acted immediately by agreement.
Actions speak louder than words.
Mr Brown was acting in the capacity of ambassador.
I think actions speak louder than words.
It is better for you to act by legal means.
His action was animated by jealousy.
She took full responsibility for her actions.
Her behavior really got on my nerves.
We need action, not words.
He is ashamed of his son's conduct.
We should always be careful of what we do.
Her behavior is abnormal for a young girl.
Such behavior gives rise to problems.
At last, the day has arrived for us to act.
Everyone of us is responsible for his own conduct.
He does a kind act once a day.
Your motive was admirable, but your action was not.
The mayor prescribed to the citizens how to act.
We should always act in obedience to the law.
He often acted without regard to the feelings of others.
You must judge the situation and act accordingly.
The angry citizens took action immediately.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
I thought of various factors before I acted.
These are the rules; act accordingly.
The situation seemed to call for immediate action.
You should act according to your conscience.
I was bewildered at the sight of his strange behavior.
This movement had a great impact on the behavior of women.
I believe the actions that Tom took were right.
Young people are apt to behave that way.
What on earth spurred them to such an action?
You must account for your conduct.
She acted as if she didn't care what happened.
I would act differently in your place.
We agreed that his actions were warranted.
We have to live with the consequences of our actions.
What we need now is action, not discussion.
The Japanese make a group and tend to act together.
Though she is a child, she can act wisely.
You are accountable to me for his actions.
Our club activities are always spoiled by his behavior.
I acted to protect myself from a similar destiny.
He offered no specific explanation for his strange behavior.
Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do.
The world needs to change its thinking and behavior, especially in the developed nations.
The people who live in Japan must act according to the Japanese Constitution.
People who are prone to aggression can be dangerous.