1. act; deed; conduct
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (58 in total)
sexual act; sexual intercourse
suicidal act; self-destroying action; suicidal action
Examples (43 in total)
It is an act of folly.
Suicide is a desperate act.
What vile behavior!
I can't explain the reason for his conduct.
We were surprised at his conduct.
His action is against the law.
The slaughter of the prisoners was a barbarous act.
Can you justify your action?
Helping a blind man is an act of kindness.
His conduct was nothing short of madness.
Your behavior does not come up to my expectations.
I'm not saying that what she did was right.
I viewed my action as a crime.
Her behavior is worthy of reverence.
His conduct disappointed many of his friends.
We regarded his behavior as childish.
There is no excuse for such behavior.
You should be responsible for your actions.
Goodness is abstract, a kind act is concrete.
No action is in itself good or bad.
Such an act will be judged at the bar of public opinion.
He was punished for his evil acts.
The invasion of other countries is a shameful action.
You must put an end to your foolish behavior.
One must be responsible for one's conduct.
His acts of courage brought him glory.
A time will come when you will regret your action.
A mother is responsible for the conduct of her children.
Climbing the cliff alone is a bold deed.
He is still angry with you for your conduct.
His brave deeds earned him a medal.
Many atrocities were committed during the war.
I wonder if there is any point in translating proverbs into English.
Everybody praised his heroism.
His brave deed earned him respect.
The poem tells the story of the deeds of gods.
He calculated the consequences of his action.
His noble deed deserves praise indeed.
I want to get a satisfactory explanation for your conduct.
The boy was accused of cheating during the exam.
You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me.
It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.
You will soon regret your rash conduct.