Verb (1-dan, transitive)
1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on)
2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration
3. to think (that); to believe; to hold (a view); to judge; to conclude; to suspect
4. to intend (to do); to think of (doing); to plan
5. to predict; to anticipate; to expect; to imagine
6. to come up with; to think up; to contrive; to devise
7. to consider (as); to regard (as); to look on (as); to take; to view
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
the more I think about it; the more one thinks about it
on second thought; on (further) reflection
Examples (200 in total)
He'll think about it.
I wonder what he's thinking.
I'll think about it later.
Consider the possibility.
You should think before you speak.
What was I thinking?
You're overthinking things.
Oedipus thought for a long while.
I was thinking about her.
Do you know what I'm thinking?
What are you thinking about?
I'm thinking the same thing.
I think with my head.
Think before you speak.
I need time to think about it.
I don't want to think about anything anymore.
I can't think of anybody else.
"What are you thinking about?" "Nothin'..."
Thanks for thinking about it.
I wonder what she's thinking.
What is he thinking!?
What makes you think so?
Think about tomorrow.
Would you let me think about it for a while?
Were you thinking about me?
I don't want to think about this.
What were you thinking just now?
I want to think for myself.
Let me think for a while.
No matter how much I think about it, I don't understand it.
It's useless to keep on thinking any more.
I don't want to think about that again.
Are you seriously thinking about getting involved?
I'm thinking about my children.
What makes you think that way?
Give me some time to think.
Are you seriously thinking about divorce?
The employees also share the same idea.
He seemed to have thought so.
He thinks of nothing but himself.
Everyone thinks the same thing.
"What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you."
What made you think so?
I haven't thought that much about it.
I never thought about that.
We consider him to be honest.
Why do you think so?
I can't imagine my life without you.
I must think about what to do.
He was thinking strange thoughts.
I can't imagine life without music.
Have a think about your future.
We regard him as our hero.
Do you have any grounds for thinking so?
I considered changing my job.
I am thinking of going abroad.
Most people think so.
He contemplated taking a trip to Paris.
You're exaggerating the problem.
You should think before you begin to speak.
His way of thinking is sound.
I think about her often.
I'll think about my diet after I eat this.
You don't need to think about that now.
I don't know. I've never thought about it.
I cannot help thinking about him.
I regarded him as a good teacher.
He is thinking about the problem.
I need more time to think about it.
I can't understand what he is thinking about.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
I'm considering going with them.
Do you have anything particular in mind?
I considered changing my job, but in the end I decided not to.
You must think of your family.
I thought about throwing it away, but decided to keep it.
The most important thing is the ability to think for yourself.
Give me some time to think it over.
He regarded the story as a joke.
What do you think about when you go to sleep?
We have different ways of thinking.
We must think about friends.
That's exactly what I thought.
I can't help thinking that my son is still alive.
I was just thinking of a new job.
Are you seriously thinking about pursuing a career as a race car driver?
I'm thinking about your plan.
I considered the problem as settled.
Let's simply look at this example.
Life is despair, that's what I think.
If you consider his age, then you can't blame him for his actions.
Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?
I think of him as one of my good friends.
Do you care what other people think?
It's difficult to imagine life without television or the Internet.
The next thing to be considered was food.
I have no idea what that guy is thinking.
It is a common saying that thought is free.
We were certain of winning the game.
I have to think of my children.
This town's way of thinking is rotten.
Don't be so serious. It's only a game.
It'd be best to think about the problem from a child's perspective.
I have tried every means imaginable.
I consider him to be an excellent teacher.
Japanese people tend to think that way.
It is so dreadful that I don't want to think of it.
He equates wealth with happiness.
I don't want to think about homework right now.
His way of thinking is a bit extreme.
Don't take things too seriously.
They regarded him as a great scholar.
We need to think about the future of Europe.
We hold that economy will soon improve.
He brooded over his misfortunes.
We should consider this problem as a whole.
It's not as difficult as you think.
This idea is not rational.
The city wants to extend the road.
Bob thought deeply about that matter.
I was thinking about what she had said to me.
He thought it over, and decided not to go.
He didn't give me time to think.
Nobody cares what you think.
It is necessary for you to think about your life.
It is hardly conceivable to me that he will fail.
He thinks of everything in terms of money.
She thinks about him when she's feeling lonely.
It is very important to think for yourself and to study.
I thought about the meaning of his painting.
It makes me sad to think of his death.
I'll give you a day to think about it.
You seem to be thinking of something else.
Make your students read books that make them think more.
I think highly of your way of thinking.
At your age, I would think so, too.
He stopped to think which way to go.
He smiled to think what a fool he had been.
My daughter has reached a marriageable age.
I see life differently now.
He attributes his success to good luck.
In this day and age, life without electricity is unimaginable.
The structure of the human body can be thought of in the same way.
I thought over my future.
I think he is a very kind man.
People used to think that only humans could use language.
The trainer must think of her health.
I often think about my deceased mother.
I thought of various factors before I acted.
It is easy to consider man unique among living organisms.
A true scientist wouldn't think like that.
I'm thinking of going to Germany to study medicine.
They regarded his behavior as childish.
Joe was pleased at the thought of going to New York.
You must consider what kind of work you want to do.
Two people think of her as their daughter.
We take air and water for granted.
It's quite natural that you should think about marriage.
We all pondered over what had taken place.
First, I'll try to understand why he thinks so.
The plan is worth considering.
Human beings are different from animals in that they can think and speak.
I regarded him as the best doctor in town.
They devised a scheme to make money with little effort.
His ideas were far in advance of the age in which he lived.
He did his best never to think of her.
Your ideas about the government are different from mine.
He tends to think of everything in terms of money.
People greatly differ in their views of life.
Why am I still thinking about Marika?
After much consideration, we accepted his offer.
We tend to think that most dogs bite.
I looked around the store but couldn't find what I had in mind.
We regarded the document as belonging to her brother.
I can think of him as a very good friend, but I can't think of him as a lover.
My parents tried to convert me to their way of thinking.
Seeing that he is still sick, he is unlikely to come today.
Human beings differ from animals in that they can think and speak.
He thinks it impossible for me to climb the mountain alone.
Every time I listen to this song, I think of you.
She thought the plan was fine but impractical.
She lay awake for a long time, thinking of her future.
Reflect on your own motives when making a decision.
After some careful thought, I elected to stay at home.
It is worthwhile considering what it is that makes people happy.
I'm thinking about which college might be best for me.
I often meditate on the meaning of life.
Seeing that he is angry, there must be some misunderstanding.
He lay awake for hours thinking about her.
Considering everything, my father's life was a happy one.
I think it's time for me to buy my daughter a decent computer.
The man asked me who I was, but I didn't think I had to answer.
They think it is necessary to study the school system and educational environment of Japan.
People of my generation all think the same way about this.
She thought for a few minutes.
Let me think it over for a couple of days.
He's been thinking about it all day.
Even while you weren't here, Papa, I thought about you every day.
The mere idea of swimming across the river made me tremble.
This problem, however, should be considered more carefully.