Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. protest; objection
Pitch accent
Composed of
discussion; deliberation; thought; opinion
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
vehement objection; bitter opposition
protest action; protest movement
written protest
Examples (18 in total)
Please, don't protest.
She protested that she had not committed the crime.
People are protesting against nuclear weapons.
The throng protested against abortion.
All the students protested against the war.
I interpreted this as a protest.
I dismissed the protest.
The crowd protested against racial discrimination.
He protested against the new plan.
Anyone who protested, lost his job.
Although she kept protesting, he went.
The people protested against the low altitude flight training.
The protesters barricaded the entrance.
The students protested against the unfair exam.
The citizens demonstrated to protest against the new project.
Not only did they ignore the protest, they also lied to the press.
The assembly voted to protest against any nuclear armament.
Only through protest can a free and open society be maintained.