1. curiosity; inquisitiveness
Pitch accent
Composed of
heart; mind; bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); centre; center; heart (organ)
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
brimming with curiosity
intellectual curiosity; out of curiosity; inquisitiveness
Examples (17 in total)
Curiosity killed the cat.
She did so out of curiosity.
I went there out of curiosity.
The child was full of curiosity.
His curiosity knew no bounds.
This arouses my curiosity.
Small children are very curious.
He is curious about everything.
I opened the box out of curiosity.
I only asked you the question out of curiosity.
Her story excited curiosity in the children.
Children are very curious and ask many questions.
The more you study, the more curious you will become.
He did it simply out of curiosity.
The little kids were very curious.
He has always had a great curiosity about the world.
Children are curious about everything.