Verb (する)
1. elevation; rise; improvement; advancement; progress
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
ambition; aspiration; desire to improve oneself
performance improvement
improvement in efficiency
Examples (12 in total)
Modern methods improved industry.
Pessimism believes in no improvement.
We are always aiming at improving the quality of service.
My son's ability at math has improved this year.
They strive constantly to improve customer relations.
I thought it would be an opportunity for you to improve your French.
Statistics indicate that our living standards have risen.
The machine learning industry pursues the improvement of our predictive ability.
During his year of study abroad, Tom's French improved rapidly.
It seems that the purpose of his study abroad was to improve his ability to speak English.
The workers in the factory were forced to work hard to improve the products.
I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly.