1. opposite side; other side; opposite direction
2. over there; that way; far away; beyond
3. the other party; the other person
4. future (starting now)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
other side; opposite side; other party
opposite bank; farther shore
recklessness; rashness; foolhardiness; temerity; (lit.) without watching where one is going
the other side of a river; the other side of the tracks; place where lower class people live
shin; front of lower leg
in opposition to
scar on one's forehead; frontal wound
diagonally opposite
right opposite; directly across; just in front of; face to face
gallery (of a theatre); audience (at a theatre); the masses; the general public
aggressiveness; combativeness
covered by the other party (usu. expenses)
aggressiveness; combativeness
facing the other way
folded or rolled head towel; towel twisted around one's head
aggressiveness; combativeness
Examples (27 in total)
She's looking the other way.
Who is the girl standing over there?
The boy is over there.