1. error; mistake; slip; bug
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
Examples (53 in total)
This is a mistake.
He regrets his mistake.
This was faulty information.
That's not their fault.
I've detected a big mistake.
She made the same mistake again.
It was a manifest error of judgement.
It is false to say that snow is blue.
The teacher pointed out your mistakes.
The rumor turned out false.
This report is free from errors.
She insisted that it was my fault.
His story turned out to be false.
You should not laugh at his mistake.
You keep on making the same mistake time after time.
At last, he realized his mistakes.
At last, he realized his error.
However the protagonist is aware of his own mistakes.
My mistake incurred his anger.
She was stupid to make such a mistake.
She pointed out the mistakes I had made.
I could not convince him of his mistake.
Don't make fun of foreigners' mistakes in Japanese.
Don't blame others for your own fault.
He broke his promise, which was a big mistake.
Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes.
I will never make such a mistake again.
I was worried about my mistakes at first.
He pointed out some spelling errors to her.
The sentence is free from grammatical mistakes.
The typist tried to erase the error.
She made a lot of spelling mistakes.
I've made the same mistakes as I made last time.
It is wrong to divide language into "living" and "dead".
This is an error common among Japanese students.
It is likely that he has made such a careless mistake.
The slightest mistake may lead to a fatal disaster.
Strictly speaking, there were some mistakes in his speech.
It was not until then that I realized my mistake.
There are several spelling errors in your essay.
He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition.
The teacher pointed out several mistakes in my English composition.
Many mistakes could have been avoided through simple experiments.
His sharp eyes never missed a mistake.
This is a good book except for a few mistakes.
There is a certain pleasure in pointing out other people's errors.
Your writing is good except for a few mistakes.
There are few, if any, errors in your composition.
The rumor of her death turned out false.
He made three mistakes in as many lines.
She made five mistakes in as many lines.
Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.
Excuse me. I'd like to point out three errors in the above article.