1. talk; recital
2. narration
3. topic
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
to make a speech; to address
to talk together
(professional) storyteller; hereditary role of narrator in early imperial court
to pass down (a story) from generation to generation; to hand down
to say everything one wants to say; to exhaust a topic
to hand down; to pass on (story or tradition)
way of reciting; way of telling a story
narrator; storyteller; reciter
story; topic (on everyone's lips); (the stuff of) legend
to talk the night away; to talk all night
a narrative
gidayū reciter
to say repeatedly (often by many people); to say over and over again
jōruri reciter
story; tale; unaccompanied part of the Heike Monogatari chanting