Adjective (の)
1. back; behind; rear
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
retreating figure; appearance from behind
backing; support; backer; shield that protects one's back
back-facing; backwards; backward-looking; retrogressive; reactionary
Examples (52 in total)
Don't look back.
There's someone behind me.
What are you hiding behind you?
I'm behind you.
Move back a little.
I heard a noise behind me.
The toilet is behind the staircase.
Hide behind the sofa.
I was right behind you.
He stood behind me.
He was standing behind the door.
He hid behind the door.
He turned around and looked back.
There is a garden at the back of my house.
Put your hands behind your head.
The moon emerged from behind the clouds.
Children are playing at the back of the house.
The moon emerged from behind the cloud.
Watch out! He's right behind you!
The rabbit hid behind the tree.
Someone is standing behind the wall.
Something is moving behind the bush.
Someone grabbed me from behind.
She turned around quickly.
He stood behind the chair.
I heard my name called from behind.
A woman appeared from behind a tree.
He stood behind his mother.
His dog appeared from behind the door.
We got behind the car and pushed.
There's a church behind my house.
I followed him.
I heard my name called from behind me.
I knew Tom was standing behind the curtain.
"Where's my hat?" "Right behind you."
The stable is right behind the farm house.
I heard someone call my name from behind.
What's that building behind the hospital?
He saw something behind a lot of old boxes.
We watched the sun setting behind the mountains.
There is a library at the back of that tall building.
I know you're hiding behind the curtain.
The actor came out from behind the curtain.
She is shy and always remains in the background.
I saw a shadow move behind that tree!
The man behind them is playing the piano.
The policeman asked people to back off.
I sat behind a very tall person at the theater.
The children sat in the first row. The adults sat in the back.
My kid is shy around strangers and always hides behind me.
There is a hut at the back of our house.
He felt himself seized by a strong arm from behind.