Adjective (の)
1. behind; rear
2. after; later
3. remainder; the rest
4. more (e.g. five more minutes); left
5. also; in addition
Adjective (の)
6. descendant; successor; heir
7. after one's death
8. past; previous
Pitch accent
Top 48800
Used in vocabulary (50 in total)
stepping back; drawing back
future; distant future
rear wheel; cantle
appendix; postscript; retrofit; post-installation; giving a reason afterwards; making an excuse after the event
hind legs; rear legs
after this; henceforth; henceforward; from now on
settlement (of affairs); remedial measures; cleaning up afterwards
front and rear; before and after; order; sequence; consequences; context
after that; afterwards; thereafter
after; later
putting off; postponing
pushing; backing; boosting; pushing from behind (a cart, etc.); pusher
heir; inheritor; successor
tidying up; clearing up; cleaning up; clearing away; putting in order
afterwards; at a later time; later on; after some time
stepping back; drawing back
one more; another; the other; not quite; not very good
going backward; turning back; backtracking; retrogression; relapse; returning to a bad state
a day after the fair; (at a) stage when it's too late
future trouble
after one's death
after-treatment; post-treatment; post-processing; dealing with the aftermath
before or since; neither before nor after; no other time in one's life; stressing a particular moment or event as being unique or most extreme
waiting to see one's opponent's move before doing anything (e.g. as a disallowed act in rock, paper, scissors)
aftertaste; later (in line or in turn, etc.)
I don't care what follows; the future will take care of itself
rest of the payment
that's all from me, and now the next speaker
rear carrier of a palanquin
afterbirth pains; afterpains; repercussions; consequences; child from a later wife
second crop
successor (TV) program; follow-on program
pusher (in a mine)
the year following an inauspicious year
post-processing (a (partially) finished product); after-processing; modification; machining
insatiable drinker
settlement; winding or straightening up
aftercare; after-treatment
company name with the words "kabushiki kaisha" at the end
demanding again what one has already obtained; coaxing out of someone for a second time
staying an extra night (e.g. after attending an event)
focal point of a lens behind the subject
last in, first out; LIFO
rear part of a noh stage
after the good comes the bad
last month
last month
Examples (200 in total)
I'll decide later.
Well, see you later.
The rest is left to you!