Verb (する)
1. employment (long term); hire
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
contract of employment
employee; employer; person hiring others
regular employment; typical employment
lifetime employment; permanent employment
irregular employment; atypical employment
unemployment insurance; employment insurance
employment system; employment pattern
period of employment
Gender Equality In Employment Act
measures to stimulate employment; employment measures
full employment
employment scene; employment situation; job market; job situation
contract employment
employment data; employment statistics; jobs data
full-time employment
employment system
employment situation
employment adjustment; adjusting employment arrangements (staff numbers, overtime, etc.) to reflect changing business conditions
permanent employment
hiring freeze
certificate of employment; employment verification
workforce; work force; labor force; labour force
employment mobility; fluidity of employment
Examples (6 in total)
Employment continued to lag.
Tom is against hiring Mary.
The government's investment will create many jobs.