Verb (5-dan, ぶ, transitive)
1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke
2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
3. to invite
4. to designate; to name; to brand
5. to garner (support, etc.); to gather
6. to take as one's wife
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 200
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
to call the doctor
birds of a feather flock together
to cause a commotion; to create a big stir; (lit.) to invoke a storm
Examples (185 in total)
Call a plumber.
Did you call a tow truck?
Who called him?
The ship is called "Lost Ship."
I'm rarely invited to parties.
Someone is calling you.
It cannot be called a fundamental solution.
Have you called Lucy yet?
Did anybody call for security?
What were you called when you were a child?
Oh, please call me Angela.
We usually call him Tom.
You may call me by my first name.
Stand up when your name is called.
But we call him Tony at home.
Ping pong is also called table tennis.
I called her Cathy.
In that case, call the police.
This is called shorthand.
The lion is called the king of animals.
Call Ishmael.
Call me Ishmael.
Call me Ismaël.
Let's call him Snoopy.
I need to call a tow truck.
It is called sick humor.
He will come if you call him.
Didn't you hear your name called?
Someone was calling my name.
Is that why you called me here?
Did you just call me?
I call your name.
What do your friends call you?
Ah, could it be you're embarrassed to be called by your first name?
Call the police in an emergency.
What do you call this bird?
We should call the police.
Are you going to invite me to your party?
I heard her calling from the kitchen.
What do they call their baby?
The first thing you should do is call a lawyer.
In case of an emergency, call the police.
Don't call him the criminal.
Call a taxi in the morning, please.
We have been invited to dinner this evening.
Have you called an ambulance yet?
He called his father as he went up the stairs.
They call me captain.
The rose is called the queen of flowers.
Please call me Joe.
Can I call you Bob?
I'm invited to Claudia's party tonight.
I call out in a loud voice but there is no reply.
My friends call me Beth.
Unless you stop fighting, I'll call the police.
They call us problem children.
We called Robert "Bob".
He calls me Pete.
Hang on a minute. I'll call Jimmy.
Everybody calls him Mac.
She called him by name.
Hong Kong is referred to as the Pearl of Asia.
What do you call this thing in German?
He was called Ted by his friends.
That sea is called the Mediterranean Sea.
In Britain a truck is referred to as a lorry.
Everyone calls him Jeff.
A gardener was called in to design the garden.
Mike calls him Ned.
Africa was once called the Dark Continent.
Don't call it spaghetti. Call it pasta.
The period is referred to as the Stone Age.
Japan is called "Nippon" in Japanese.
We call it the Evening Star.
Let's call the dog Skipper.
People call him Dave.
India is called "Bharat" in Hindi.
This is the bell called Big Ben.
A young giraffe is called a calf.
Call me if you need anything.
I heard someone call my name.
I heard someone on the street calling me.
The teacher called each student by name.
I called you here to help me.
He turned around when I called.
I still call my mother Mama.
Solid water is called ice.
Call me if you need help.
Somebody called my name in the dark.
What do you call this bird in English?
Call someone who speaks Japanese, please.
We call our teacher "Doraemon" because he's fat.
A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
I heard my name called from behind me.
The dog is called Spot by the family.
John has not come yet, but when he does, I will call you.
But his friends call him Ken.
Dan, who was watching the scene, called the police.
This bay is called New York Harbor.
It is no exaggeration to call him a genius.
Jim called me a cab.
A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow.
I call the computer Tim.
He was a big man called Little John.
He insulted me by calling me a donkey.
Does Mike call his dog Pochi?
English people call elevators "lifts".
That problem naturally invited debate.
You may call me either Tom or Tommy.
We call the cat Madonna.
To this day we call them Indians.
This city is called the Japanese Denmark.
I would not go so far as to call Finland a paradise.
The Middle East is still called a powder keg.
John called for the waiter in a loud voice.
New York is sometimes referred to as the melting pot of races.
Later the personal guards of kings were called satellites.
She calls her sister Mina-chan.
A man whose wife is dead is called a widower.
People who do bodybuilding are called bodybuilders.
The teacher called the students in alphabetical order.
We refer to this city as Little Kyoto.
They referred to Chaucer as the father of English poetry.
We can call English an international language.
Why do they call New York the Big Apple?
Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media.
Can you stop calling me that?
I was surprised to hear my name called.
He heard his name called from behind.
What do you call your father at home?
The teacher will call us when he's ready.
"Are you sure you want to call the police?" I asked her.
I heard my name called in the cafeteria.
What do you call your husband at home?
I called his name loudly, but he didn't even look back.
I was walking in the park, when I heard my name called.
Everything that has meaning can be called language.
What do you call it when water freezes?
Please call a taxi for this lady.
We often call America the land of liberty.
Baseball is often called "the great American sport".
I was called into the office first.
We call this mountain Tsurugidake.
The dog is often called 'man's best friend.'
We nicknamed her "Ann".
My name is Richard, but you can call me Dick.
My name is James, but please call me Jim.
Water in a solid state is called ice.
It seems a bit feudal to call him "sir".
There are people called Incas in South America.
Not knowing what to do, I called her.
She seemed surprised to hear her name called from behind.
Though it was noisy on the street, I could hear my name being called.
You can call a cat a small tiger, and a tiger a big cat.
He was about to fall asleep, when he heard his name called.
While getting off the bus, she heard her name called.
She heard her name called out in the crowd.
If you call him a clever man, he may be happy.
I heard someone call my name in the crowd.
They called their new country the Republic of Liberia.
The village people called the old woman Meta.
Go to your room and wait there until I call you.
You are the only man in the world that I can call my friend.
I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.
I heard someone call my name in the crowded bus.
The black and white bears living in the mountains of China and Tibet are called pandas.
In feudal Japan, the lord with the largest land holdings was called a "daimyo."
On an island in the Seine, there is a big church called Notre Dame.
If anyone were to talk to me like that, I would call the police.
Please call me Taro.
He called me Ichiro.
A hundred years is called a century.
They called him a coward.
An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle.
The fourth month is called April.
I am proud to call him my teacher.
Leave me alone or I'll call the police.
His name is Kenji, but everyone calls him Ken.
The river which flows through London is called the Thames.
One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'.
The locals call this river the man-eating river and fear it.
The Kiso River is often called the Rhine of Japan.
The set without any elements is called the empty set and is denoted by {}.
I saw a little boy called Tony Evans.
She led a group of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.