1. used item; secondhand item
2. old; used; previous
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (47 in total)
old haunts; former homes
old river
home town; birthplace; native place; one's old home
impure blood
anciently; formerly; old times; a long time ago
used article (esp. clothes)
old tree
old; olden
secondhand bookshop; secondhand bookstore; secondhand bookseller
old wound; scar; old unpleasant incident; past misdeed
old clothes; secondhand clothing
old-timer; veteran; senior; old stump; old roots
secondhand book
old unused well
old soldier; veteran; old hand
old house; deserted house
old house; deserted house
secondhand store
old newspapers
old road; ancient road
used article; worn-out article; veteran; old-timer; long-established (way, method, etc.); old
old badger; veteran; oldtimer; schemer; old fox
antique; old article; secondhand goods
old furniture; curios; secondhand goods
historic spot; historic remains; ruins
old pool; old pond
old poem (esp. waka); old song
good old wife; one's wife of many years
old magazines
old friend
old fox; old-timer; schemer
the old year; last year
scrap iron; scrap metal
treating a metal surface to make it look worn and aged; antique finish
well-pickled vegetables
old clothes; old suit
old cloth; old rags
trite; hackneyed
last year's grass; dead grass
used stamps
aged paste; microbially fermented weak adhesive for restoration of Japanese works of art on paper
to put new wine into old wineskins; to put new wine into old bottles
worn-out; threadbare; timeworn; weathered; musty
old construction (esp. in real estate); old building
old fan; worn out fan