1. counter for articles
2. counter for military units
usu. 個
3. individual
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
individual; one by one; separate; each
solo exhibition; one-man exhibition; one-woman exhibition
the n-th
Examples (34 in total)
Take three at a time.
He had three pieces of baggage.
This dish uses two eggs.
I made a few mistakes.
He's three years older than me.
My brother is three years younger than me.
The number of mistakes is ten at most.
She baked three cakes.
I only know a few words.
Mix the flour with two eggs.
There are more than eleven time zones in Russia.
How about $100 for three?
These oranges are ten for a dollar.
An automobile has four wheels.
Let's order twenty kebabs!
He carried six boxes at a time.
There were four pieces of cheese on the table.
There are six apples in the box.
This flashlight needs two batteries.
Mother boiled ten eggs.
He made ten mistakes in as many pages.
It looks like she made seven mistakes in as many lines.
The human spine consists of 33 or 34 bones.
For breakfast, I had two eggs and a burnt piece of toast.
Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar.
The factory produced ten finished articles an hour.
The author made ten mistakes in as many pages.
If I had ten eyes, I could read five books at the same time.
Tom likes oranges and eats three or four a week.
A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
We'll need twenty dice to play this game.
Nine planets including the earth are moving around the sun.
I think it's unhealthy to eat more than 20 oranges a day.
I bought three apples and two bunches of grapes for dessert at the market.