Adjective (の)
1. present age; present day; today
2. modern era; modern times
Pitch accent
Composed of
present (e.g. government, administration); current; existing
charge; cost; generation; age; era; a representative of; on behalf of
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
modern Japanese; current written style
modern person; people of today
child of the times; modern kid; kids of today; with-it youngster
modern style; modernness
contemporary art
present-day science; modern science
modern language; contemporary language; living language; modern Japanese; Japanese as spoken since the Meiji period or alternatively, since the end of World War II
modern Japanese (esp. as a school subject)
modern civilization; modern civilisation
contemporary art
modern version; modern edition; updated, contemporary edition
modern warfare
contemporary literature; modern literature
contemporary philosophy; modern thought
contemporary novel; modern novel
contemporary history
a series of paperbacks published since 1964 by Kodansha
modern medicine
contemporary art museum; museum of contemporary art
contemporary life; present-day life
contemporary drama
modern kana orthography (1946 reform, amended 1986); new kana orthography
word of recent origin; neologism; recent word; modern term
modernization; modernisation
modern poetry
modern disease; disease of our time
modern Japanese
current (present-day) English
Modern Monetary Theory; Modern Money Theory; neo-chartalism
contemporary dance; modern dance
gendaika; modern, non-traditional school of ikebana
Examples (16 in total)
Modern bridges are similar in shape.
What do you think of modern art?
Modern heroes are represented by rock stars.