Adjective (の)
1. the present; present time; now
2. as of
after a time, date, etc.
3. present tense
4. this world; this life
Verb (する)
5. to actually exist; to exist right now; to exist right in front of one
Pitch accent
Composed of
present (e.g. government, administration); current; existing
the country; countryside; outskirts; suburbs; presence; being in attendance
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
at the present time; as of now; at this time
just now; at this moment; at this point of time
(one's) current position; current location; present position
Examples (84 in total)
Africa is now polio-free.
I don't live in Maigo now.
The criminal is still at large.
The meeting room is in use now.
The exhibition is now open.
What is the unemployment rate at the moment?
He is in the hospital at present.
Currently, the buildings are very old.
She is his present wife.
I am content with my current position.
This word is not in current use.
Are you content with your present salary?
This building is off limits now.
Robert is content with his present position.
What do you think of the present cabinet?
Dinosaurs are now extinct.
The project is now in progress.
A computer is an absolute necessity now.
Interest on loans is high at present.
The building is under construction.
At present, trust in school education is wavering.
At present freedom of speech is taken for granted.
The public at large are dissatisfied with the present government.
As of today, we haven't had an answer from him.
You must live in the present, not in the past.
She is quite satisfied with her life as it is.
Books are now within the reach of everybody.
It's impossible to take on more work at the moment.
At present, the cause of the disease is unknown.
My mother is now in the kitchen cooking.
English is taught almost all over the world today.
He is living in an apartment at present.
Many are fed up with their present careers.
The book is now ready for publication.
That group is presently very active.
She is economically independent of her parents now.
Tom has three children now.
This book has now been translated into French.
My best friend now lives in Australia.
The police are now investigating the cause of the accident.
The ambassador will be recalled from his present post soon.
The dramatist resides now in New York.
What do you think has caused the present trade friction between Japan and the U.S.?
I think you had better stick to your present job.
The system is working very well now.
The most severe problem at present is that of over-population.
It was similar in some ways to soccer, which is played today.
Many people work in this field now.
My cousin, who is a lawyer, is in France at present.
The present prime minister was not present at the ceremony.
We are currently working to restore normal service as soon as possible.
This plan is currently under consideration.
I regret to say that the product you have asked for is currently out of stock.
Buildings are much stronger now than they used to be.
The problem is how we cope with the present difficulties.
The oldest movie theater in town is being pulled down now.
Tom grew up in Boston, but he now lives in Chicago.
Our price is considerably higher than the current market price.
The economist instinctively anticipated the current depression.
That bird is now in danger of dying out.
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
I have no idea where he is at present.
Travelling was much more difficult in those days.
The ruined castle is now under restoration.
To many people today, "competitive" is a bad word.
Actually, the present method has plenty of room for improvement.
I used to go fishing quite often, but now I rarely go.
How many people are now living in poverty?
The governor is capable of handling his current difficulties.
We have a lot of social problems to think about today.
That flour mill is now operated as a museum.
The hotel has now become a local museum and community center.
This game is similar in some ways to today's American football.
Now all they want is a roof over their heads.
Thanks to his help, my work is going well now.
The current low status of the elderly may be changing, however.
We will replace the current version with the upgrade.
At present, we have 1,600 students at our school.
The ruling party has secured 50 seats as of 5 o'clock.
His income is now double what it was ten years ago.
At present there are about 31 million Americans over the age of sixty-five.
They announced the results as of May 1.
As of 1991, the population of this city is around one million.
According to the news report, the ruling coalition has secured 72 seats as of 5 p.m.