as a rule; in general; in principle; basically; essentially; fundamentally
overriding principle; main principle; great principle
fundamental principle; basic principle; general principle
general principles; broad principles
Japan's three antinuclear principles (against producing, possessing and allowing the entry of nuclear weapons into Japanese territory)
Three Principles on arms exports
smoking-free principle; no-smoking rule; smoking ban; ban on smoking
clausula rebus sic stantibus (legal principle that agreements become non-binding if there is a major, unforeseeable change of circumstances)
principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
Polluter Pays Principle; PPP
corporate accounting principles
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
benefit principle (of taxation)
precautionary principle; precautionary approach
Koch's postulates; Koch's laws