1. key
2. lock
3. key (to a problem); clue
Pitch accent
Top 13100
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
to hold the key (to)
to hold the key (to)
key success factor; key to success; KSF
duplicate key; pass key; master key; skeleton key
square bracket; Japanese-style quotation marks
cryptographic key; encryption key
bunch of keys
lock-opening; lock-picking
key rack; (wall-mounted) key holder; key hook
internal lock
latchkey child
key success factor; key to success; KSF
key success factor; key to success; KSF
section of road that is curved on purpose as a defensive measure
private account (esp. on Twitter); account on a social networking service that can only be viewed by approved followers
key management
key distribution
private key (cryptography); secret key
key ring
symmetric key cryptography
symmetric key cryptography
Examples (90 in total)
Do you need the key?
You don't have a key, do you?
May I have the key?