1. key
2. lock
3. key (to a problem); clue
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
Examples (90 in total)
Do you need the key?
You don't have a key, do you?
May I have the key?
You dropped your key.
Didn't you see my keys?
"Do you have the key?" "Yes, I have it."
Here are your keys.
This is your key.
I forgot my keys again!
"What's wrong?" "I don't have a key."
I can't find my house keys.
Shall I help you look for your keys?
He turned the key.
I'm a locksmith.
I found the keys I'd lost.
Unlock the doors.
The key was nowhere to be found.
Did you lock the windows?
I can't find the car keys.
I gave him the key to the apartment.
Here's the key to your room.
Is your trunk locked?
Mary lost the key.
Did you give Tom the key?
This is the key to the garage.
Put the key in the mailbox.
This is my house key.
Where are your keys?
This is the key I have been looking for.
Where did you find the key?
Are all the windows locked?
Don't play with that key!
Is that the key you're looking for?
Huh? Where'd I put the keys?
I accidentally forgot to bring the house key.
We finally found the key.
This is the key for the box.
Always lock your car.
She put the key in her pocket.
The keys are on the table.
She handed him the key.
She put the key in her bag.
I had no difficulty breaking the lock.
John took a key out of his pocket.
He put the key in the lock.
To my surprise, the door was unlocked.
Perseverance, it is often said, is the key to success.
He inserted the key in the lock.
Jim put the key into the lock.
Perseverance, as you know, is the key to success.
I forgot the key and went back for it.
Where did you put our key to the house?
This is the key that opened that door.
I remember giving him the key.
If you don't use this key, the door won't open.
Give me the key to that castle!
The key is on the desk.
I must have lost my key along the way.
This is the key to the whole mystery.
She is looking for her car keys.
Is this the key your uncle is looking for?
"What's up?" "The key's gone." "Which key?" "The bike key."
I forgot to lock the front door.
I left the keys with my wallet.
The lost key was under the couch.
The mayor presented him with the key to the city.
I keep the master copy under lock and key.
The boy was searching for the lost key.
They lost the key to their hotel room.
I found the key underneath the mat.
She unlocked her suitcase.
I was at a loss when I lost my house key.
"Where's the key to the front door?" "In my jacket pocket."
He searched his pockets for the key.
If I lost my key, I wouldn't be able to lock the door.
She may have left her car key in her room.
Tom is the only one with the key to this cabinet.
As I left the house, I remembered the key.
After I shut the door, I remembered I had left my key behind.
When I arrived home, the keys had already been stolen.
While swimming in the pool, she lost her locker key.
In opening the door, I broke the lock.
I found an old rusty key in that room.
We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health.
I decided to go back to check whether I'd locked the door.
A good lawyer will always zero in on a key piece of evidence.
Having forgotten his key, he was able to open the door by inserting a wire in the keyhole.
"Who has the key?" "Marco has it."
The only way to unlock the door is to open it from the inside.
On the tray are five objects - three of them are keys.