Verb (1-dan, intransitive)
1. to be seen; to be in sight
2. to look; to seem; to appear
3. to come
Pitch accent
Top 6000
Composed of
looking; viewing; (please) try (to)
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
to be visible; to be clear; to be evident; to be certain
to be visible; to be clear; to be evident; to be certain
to be faintly visible; to be barely visible
Examples (200 in total)
It doesn't look expensive.
You can't see it from here.
What do you see?
You can see the Skytree from there.
Do you see anything?
We could see nothing but fog.
I see fireworks!
I can't see either one.
I can't see anything.
I can see the light.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
How do I look?
I can see that book.
I can hardly see anything.
Can you see anything over there?
The sea came into sight.
It was dark and I couldn't see anything.
Because of the snow, I couldn't see anything.
She looks lonesome.
I saw nobody around.
You look busy.
The stars were beginning to appear.
Can you see the picture?
You seem sad.
I can't see that far.
We saw a bird in the distance.
There was not a tree in sight.
I can't see without my glasses.
You look Japanese.
We can see the ocean from our house.
It looks very expensive.
She seems rich.
I saw him come this way.
She looks very happy.
Can you see that small house?
I can't see anything but water.
You looked angry.
It shows white from here.
Are you OK? You look like you're about to cry.
It looks easy when you do it.
I saw my sister there.
I saw him enter the store.
She is blind to her own beauty.
He appeared honest.
A white ship came into view.
The small island came into sight.
You look tired.
You can see a lot of stars in the sky.
He looks like a horse.
Do I look that stupid?
A cat can see in the dark.
We can see his house over there.
My wife looked surprised.
She looked excited.
It no longer seems to be a perfect circle.
He looked very happy.
He looks confused.
We saw the ground covered with snow.
She looks like a teacher.
You can see a white tower over there.
The buildings look so tiny.
We saw clouds above the mountain.
From space, the earth looks small.
The ship gradually came in sight.
You can see the whole city from here.
You see a tall building over there.
He looked like a doctor.
We saw him walk across the street.
It looks like an egg.
I see a red car ahead.
He is blind in one eye.
She seems to be happy.
I want an apartment with a view of the ocean.
Fatigue showed on her face.
You can see the ancient ruins in the distance.
I can't see in because the curtains are closed.
The cows looked big and docile.
Numerous stars were visible in the sky.
I saw her play the piano.
The audience appeared bored.
He looks like a clever boy.
Everything looked nice.
I couldn't even see one meter in front of me!
We could see the lights of the town in the distance.
Does this dress make me look fat?
The airplane soon went out of sight.
I see your cat in the garden.
The bride looked very beautiful.
It looks like an apple.
Can you see fish swimming in the water?
I can hear you, but I can't see you.
You seemed to be worried about something.
Lately everyone seems happy.
His car soon went out of sight.
She looks very afraid.
A lot of stars are visible at night in summer.
Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue?
Everywhere looks beautiful in the spring.
You'll see the store on your left.
She looked around, but she couldn't see anything.
That girl looks like a boy.
I saw a man coming toward me.
She looked as if she had been ill.
I saw something strange in the sky.
Only adults can see this film.
She seemed very keen on music.
I saw something white in the park.
I saw a man's face inside the window.
The house whose roof you see over there is my father's.
He was blind from birth.
Come here, and you can see the sea.
We were glad when we saw a light in the distance.
That lake looks like an ocean.
I can't see the stage well from this seat.
His wife was nowhere to be seen.
You still look like a high school student.
Her hat looked very funny.
The ocean came into view as we descended the hill.
Stars can be seen clearly in this area.
She looks odd in those clothes.
The man you see over there is a famous writer.
People say I look about the same age as my sister.
He looks nothing like a doctor.
She appears to me to be cruel.
You look as healthy as ever.
The baby appeared to be sleeping quietly.
Can you see the nest in the tree?
The room was pitch black, so I couldn't see a thing.
None of the programs look interesting to me.
If you climb up that hill, you can see the ocean.
Japanese women tend to look tiny and delicate.
The world sometimes seems meaningless.
It clearly looked as if everyone was present.
She looked as if she had been ill for a long time.
Can you see something red down below?
We looked out the window but saw nothing.
He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous.
She looks cute with her hair short.
The desk seems small in this room.
Do you see that ship near the island?
If you put in the effort, you will certainly see the light.
At night we can see more stars there than in Tokyo.
It appeared that she was trying to keep back tears.
He saw something behind a lot of old boxes.
Her beauty stood out in our class.
Some snow-covered mountains were seen in the distance.
My house seems small beside his.
I lifted my son so that he could see it.
The dense fog made the building invisible.
Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball.
It was so dark that they could hardly see.
A cat can see much better at night.
You can see the sea from that hilltop.
Because the surroundings were so dark, he could not see anything.
Summer is the season when women look most beautiful.
I saw a dirty dog coming into the garden.
He looks older than my brother.
I feel like I look childish when I speak in English.
That desert looks like the surface of the moon.
When we're children, everything around us looks so big.
The train left the station and soon disappeared from view.
He looks stern, but actually he's very kind.
What is the name of the building whose roof you can see?
The trees looked black against the sky.
You look better in this dress.
His house seems small beside mine.
Not seeing anything in the dark, we couldn't move.
I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side.
He looks his best in his uniform.
She looked very beautiful in her new dress.
What seems simple to you seems complex to me.
Seen from the sky, the bridge appears more beautiful.
He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing.
When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth.
The house looks circular, but it isn't a complete circle.
This looks longer than that, but it is an optical illusion.
He looked surprised at the news.
Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful.
When I opened the window, I saw children playing baseball.
You can see millions of stars on this hill.
The stars twinkling in the night sky looked like jewels.
On entering a dark tunnel, we could see nothing.
I can see a clear blue sky and feel so good.
A person giving a speech should stand where everyone can see him.
The building whose roof you can see over there is our church.
Come nearer so that I can see your face.
He looked confident but his inner feelings were quite different.
We climbed high enough to see the whole city.
And the little black rabbit never looked sad again.
As we went around the corner, the lake came into view.
He looked absorbed in reading the article.
Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball.
I saw something very bright fly across the night sky.
Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.
I saw a hut in the distance.
The moon is invisible behind the clouds.
You see some trees in front of the school.
Though she looks like his older sister, the fact is that she is his mother.
I see a girl standing under that tree.
I can see a woman and two dogs in the car.