1. dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris)
2. squealer; rat; snitch; informer; informant; spy
3. loser; asshole
4. counterfeit; inferior; useless; wasteful
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1500
Used in vocabulary (93 in total)
puppy; small dog
loser; failure; underdog; unmarried and childless older woman
puppy; small dog
dogs and cats; pets; something trivial; worthless thing
Japanese wolf (Canis lupus hodophilax, extinct); wild dog
(stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine
pup; puppy; whelp; damn dog; mutt
shiba (Japanese breed of dog); shiba inu; brushwood dog
bitch; female dog
bitch; female dog
shaggy dog
puppy; small dog
mangy cur; low animal; beast
tosa (Japanese dog breed)
bitch; female dog
pup; puppy; whelp
dog person
backbiting of a coward; grumblings of a loser
dog paddle (swimming style); doggy paddle
bitch; female dog
bitch; female dog
dog sled; dog sleigh
Akita (breed of dog)
dogcatcher; person who used to catch dogs and execute them for rabies prevention
Canidae (family containing domestic dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.)
shaggy dog
cats and dogs (as an example of a bad relationship); (lit.) dogs and monkeys
dog apparition; fantastic dog-like creature
man who practises cunnilingus; dog who licks butter off a person's body (for sexual arousal)
Japanese dog breed (e.g. Shiba, Akita)
Japanese dog breed (e.g. Shiba, Akita)
dog hater; dog hating
eating like a dog; sloppy eating; (arch.) dog fighting
Sakhalin husky (dog breed)
person bringing their dog along (for something); person walking their dog
yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
dog sled; dog sleigh
dog paddle (swimming style); doggy paddle
papier-mâché dog
shiba (Japanese breed of dog); shiba inu; brushwood dog
lost dog; missing dog
dog meat; dog flesh
dog-friendly café; eatery which allows people to bring their pet dogs and provides separate menus for dogs and their owners
papier-mâché dog
dog paddle (swimming style); doggy paddle
wasting one's breath (trying to explain something); (lit.) (reading) the Analects of Confucius to a dog
foil; someone to look as if he's putting up a fight but actually have no chance of winning
Canis Major (constellation); the Greater Dog
Hokkaido dog; dog breed native to Hokkaido
Kai; Kai ken; Japanese dog breed
spike; dog nail
domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
inubō karuta (type of iroha karuta originating in Edo)
dog that knows (does) tricks
Taiwan Dog; Formosan Mountain Dog
pet dog; domesticated dog
avoided by everybody; disliked by everybody; (lit.) not even a dog will eat (it)
golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
bad things happen to those who attempt things; (lit.) if a dog walks they will hit a stick; good luck may come unexpectedly
inubō karuta (type of iroha karuta originating in Edo)
black nightshade (plant) (Solanum nigrum)
wild dog; Asiatic jackal (Canis aureus ssp.); golden jackal; side-striped jackal (carnivore, Canis adustus)
short arched (traditionally bamboo) fence around walls of traditional townhouses, esp. in Kyoto (protects lower walls from fouling or damage)
window-shopping without any money; going out and returning without having bought or eaten anything; (lit.) dog's walk on the riverbank
dog clothes; dogwear
(lit.) a starved dog does not fear the rod
bush dog (Speothos venaticus)
yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus)
catnip (Nepeta cataria); catmint
meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale); autumn crocus; naked lady
Persian speedwell (Veronica persica); large field speedwell; bird's-eye speedwell; birdeye speedwell; winter speedwell
Ficus erecta (species of ficus)
Chonowski's hornbeam (Carpinus tschonoskii)
Persian speedwell (Veronica persica); large field speedwell; bird's-eye speedwell; birdeye speedwell; winter speedwell
Oriental ostrich fern (Pentarhizidium orientale)
Mosla punctulata (plant)
Mosla punctulata (plant)
Japanese holly (Ilex crenata)
woolly lespedeza (Lespedeza tomentosa) (species of flower)
Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum); pictum
woodland draba (Draba nemorosa); woodland whitlow-grass
Japanese beech (Fagus japonica)
dog fighting; dog fight
Examples (200 in total)
Is that a dog?
The dog sleeps.
Dogs are funny.