Verb (する)
1. construction; establishment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
under construction
construction site
Examples (22 in total)
A lot of construction is going on these days.
New roads were constructed one after another.
Bids were solicited for the building of the bridge.
The new bridge is in process of construction.
You can't build buildings on swampy land.
I wonder when this building was constructed.
How much money has been spent on building the museum?
These workmen are constructing a road.
The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the suburbs.
Canals have been built to irrigate the desert.
The corporation invited bids for the construction project.
The construction of the building will be started next year.
The site for the new factory has not been decided.
They ended capitalism and built a socialist society.
They have enough capital to build a second factory.
They are anticipating trouble when the construction starts.
Our company is planning to build a new chemical plant in Russia.
Disneyland was built in 1955.
This bridge was built two years ago.
The money was appropriated for building the gymnasium.
Rome was not built in a day.
A bank was built to keep back the water of the river.