1. sphere; circle; range; area; zone; bloc
2. category
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (63 in total)
control zone
(being) within range (radio, commuting, etc.); (being) within the sphere (e.g. of influence)
(being) out of range (e.g. mobile network, radar, missiles); (being) out of contention; (being) beyond influence
safety zone; buffer (e.g. against defeat)
the atmosphere
cultural sphere
one's daily milieu; neighbourhood; neighborhood; zone of life; sphere of life
sphere of influence
the capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
economic bloc; ecosystem (of services, goods, etc. within a company or consortium)
English-speaking world; English-speaking countries; Anglosphere
gravitational sphere (of a celestial body); gravitational field
Arctic Circle; the Arctic
urban area; metropolitan area; metropolitan region
greater metropolitan area; megalopolis; conurbation
emphasis mark (used in Japanese text in a way similar to underlining)
communist bloc; Iron Curtain
air defense identification zone; ADIZ
gravitational field (of a celestial body); sphere of gravitation; gravisphere
sphere of influence
business region; marketing area; commercial sphere; trading area; region in which a business operates
Islamic world; Muslim world
Antarctic Circle; the Antarctic
scoring position
German-speaking countries; German language sphere
French-speaking world; francophone world; francophonie
co-prosperity sphere
countries where Chinese characters are used or were historically used
sphere (e.g. of knowledge, influence)
eurozone; euro zone; euro area
great circle
outer atmosphere
public sphere; public domain
Greater China (incl. Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and sometimes Singapore)
category theory
Soviet bloc
Spanish-speaking world; Spanish-speaking countries
sinophone world; Chinese-speaking world
biosphere; biome
kanji cultural sphere; countries where Chinese characters are used or were historically used
polar regions; the pole
relegation zone
former Soviet bloc
vertical circle
vertical circle
traffic area; traffic block
hour circle; circle of declination
circle of fifths
beneficiary zone; people who will enjoy the benefits of new public facilities, infrastructure, etc.
harm zone; people who will suffer the negative effects of new public facilities, infrastructure, etc. (e.g. pollution)