1. (not) ever; (not) by any means; (not) in the least; (not) in any way; (not) at all
with neg. sentence
Pitch accent
Top 13100
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
with one's eyes flashing
Examples (155 in total)
Never give up on love.
Never tell a lie!
He never lies.
She is by no means polite.
Never judge by appearance.
Never speak ill of others.
Meros is absolutely not a liar.
I will never tell a lie from now on.
Susan never smokes.
He never gave in to temptation.
That will never disappear.
I will never forget you.
I never eat meat.
I think he will never come back.
She can never keep a secret.
He never loses hope.
You'll never know unless you try.
Never betray the trust of your friends.
They were destined never to meet.
She is by no means beautiful.
I never agree with him.
Never be afraid of making mistakes.
He never tells a lie.
This question is by no means easy.
He will on no account accept defeat.
My English is anything but good.
She is by no means selfish.
He never gave way to temptation.
I am by no means satisfied with my present income.
He never goes out after dark.
Never did I say bad things about you.
Translation is by no means easy.
He never gets up early in the morning.
Never did I dream of such a thing.
It is never too late to learn.
She's no singer.
He is definitely not a gentleman.
In no way is he a man of character.
I never drink tea with lemon.
The monthly staff meeting is never held on Monday.
Tom is a person who would never break a promise.
You will not remember. I will never forget.
He knows you'll never forgive him.
It's no small matter.
Never did I tell her that I loved her.
This work is by no means easy.
We will never forget about you.
He never looked back.
Mother will never approve of my marriage.
I don't dislike him at all.
He was never content with his success.
It is by no means certain.
This work is anything but easy.
He never seems to feel the cold.
I will never tell this to anyone.
The lost chance will never come again.
He will never live up to his parent's expectations.
It may be that he will never be famous.
I never cut my nails at night.
Never be noisy in this room.
I am far from blaming you.
He is certainly not without courage.
Humans were never meant to live forever.
A doctor should never let a patient die.
A misfortune never comes alone.
An honest man never steals money.
He never boasted of his success.
Never press this button.
His acting is far from being perfect.
Life is by no means a series of failures.
I don't for a moment doubt your honesty.
My uncle never writes letters.
Father never hits me on the head.
We'll never forget your kindness.
He is never in the office in the morning.
The soldiers were told never to surrender.
That politician is by no means honest.
He will never admit his fault.
By no means do I dislike farming.
Honesty is never the best policy.
His pronunciation is far from perfect.
No matter how rich he may be, he is never contented.
The road to peace is never smooth.
He is poor, but he never complains.
French is definitely not a difficult language.
Nick is by no means satisfied with the reward.
Your composition is far from perfect.
He never borrows nor lends things.
Byron left England, never to return.
Astronomy is by no means a new science.
This material never wears out.
It's by no means easy to master a foreign language.
This is by no means easy reading.
This English composition is far from perfect.
I'll never forget meeting you.
Nobody can ever help me.
What he said was by no means true.
The boy is far from a fool.
The explanation is by no means satisfactory.
Although the names are similar, they are far from being the same.
No matter how hard the training was, she never cried.
Once gone, you will never get it back.
I would never question his honesty.
She is by no means angelic.
I thought I told you never to go there alone.
My parents never allowed me to swim alone in the sea.
No matter how cold it was, he never wore an overcoat.
As long as we live, our heart never stops beating.
No matter how much I eat, I never get fat.
I will never violate a law again.
My father never gave me much advice.
He never speaks unless spoken to.
I thought that meeting would never conclude.
My memory is weak, but there are things I can never forget.
We will never give in to terrorist demands.
No matter what happens, I will never change my mind.
It is by no means easy to master a foreign language.
Your answer is far from satisfactory.
In the font business you must never trust anybody!
No matter how angry he was, he would never resort to violence.
I'll never see him again as long as I live.
Whatever game I play with you, you never win.
Were it not for your help, I could never succeed.
A teacher should never make fun of a student who makes a mistake.
He never drinks except on special occasions.
It is by no means easy to please everybody.
A man of common sense would never do such a thing.
You can trust John. He will never let you down.
These chairs are by no means satisfactory.
A smart dog never barks for no reason.
Never tell a lie, either for fun or from fear.
I am by no means absent from this class because I am lazy.
You can trust that I will never break my promise.
Tom is by no means unintelligent. He is just lazy.
I never get seasick because I am used to traveling by boat.
Her father never let her go to town with her friends.
Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure.
Having failed many times, he never gave up the plan.
She will never have a second chance to visit Europe.
He is far from poor, in fact he has a lot of money.
I will never force you to marry him.
Tom and Mary realize they'll never be able to do that.
The man held on to his job stubbornly and would not retire.
A beautiful object like that never loses its value.
Mr. Koop isn't the kind of person who would ever take a bribe.
Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't break my promise.
I don't think that TV will ever take the place of books.
The Prime Minister became all the more popular because he never gave way to pressure from the neighboring country.
I will never forget that kind, loving woman.
Mr. Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Prime Minister Koizumi is certainly not a cold-blooded man.
He never appears before nine o'clock.
It is no accident that she won the first prize.
Mrs. Davis was anything but a perfect wife.
It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.