Verb (1-dan, intransitive)
1. to chip; to be chipped; to break (off); to be damaged
2. to be missing (from a set, team, etc.); to be absent; to become lost
3. to be lacking (in); to be short (of); to be deficient; to be wanting (in)
4. to wane (of the moon); to go into eclipse
also 虧ける
Kanji used
lack of
Pitch accent
Top 2800
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
to be lacking a trump card; to be lacking conclusive evidence
to lack in common sense
Examples (18 in total)
He lacks common sense.
This plate is chipped.
Mary lacks common sense.
He lacks judgement.
She is lacking in sense of beauty.
He lacks moral sense.
What he lacks is courage.
The statue is missing its head.
His explanation is unconvincing.
This organization lacks unity.
Calcium is absent from his diet.
Nancy seems to lack sincerity.
The girl lacked musical ability.
Your explanation lacks concreteness.
All these devices are unreliable.
What I'm lacking in most right now is probably my concentration.
The main thing that dreams lack is consistency.
The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out.