Verb (する)
1. calculation; reckoning; count
2. forecast
Pitch accent
Composed of
plan; meter; measuring device; (in) total; total (of)
divining sticks; counting; calculation
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
calculator; computer
not factored in; not included in calculations; unaccounted for; unplanned for
formula; equation; method of calculation; calculus
Examples (20 in total)
He is quick at figures.
I can't calculate the distance.
My calculation was correct.
He calculated the expenses.
He calculated the speed of light.
George calculated the cost of the trip.
Can you work out the total cost of the trip?
I have gone astray somewhere in my calculations.
Can you compute the distance of the moon from the earth?
I'm not stupid. I'm just bad at math.
Calculate how much money we'll need next year.
A computer can calculate very rapidly.
At school, we're taught reading, writing and arithmetic.
Scientists can easily compute the distance between planets.
He calculated the consequences of his action.
I beg to point out that your calculation is wrong.
I must calculate how much money I'll spend next week.
They are now widely used for communication, calculation, and other activities.
If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.
She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars.