Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. continuation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
duration; running time (e.g. in film)
perseverance makes one stronger; slow but steady wins the race
continuity; continuance
continued consultation; continuous conference
continued statement
continuing expenditure
carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim
principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
business continuity plan; BCP
(mobile phone) number portability (introduced to Japan in October 2005)
CONT (continue) signal
continuation line
Continuation War (between Finland and the Soviet Union; 1941-1944)
Examples (4 in total)
Discussions are ongoing.
We have agreed to continue the negotiations.
I move that we continue the discussion.