1. economics
Pitch accent
Composed of
economy; economics; finance; (one's) finances; being economical; economy
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
economics department; economics school
political economy; political science and economics
Examples (12 in total)
My son is studying economics.
I'm studying economics at university.
What use does economics have?
He is in his element when talking economics.
He has a knowledge of economics.
He made a substantial contribution to economics.
The study which Mr Smith specializes in is economics.
If they admit me to the university, I think I will major in economics.
This book gives us a good idea of economics.
While employed at the bank, he taught economics at college.
The questions involved go far beyond economics.
I ordered five books on economics from London.