Verb (する)
1. experience
Kanji used
Buddhist scripture
Pitch accent
Top 1000
Composed of
warp (weaving); longitude; scripture; sutra; trans-
effect; efficacy; omen
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
amount of experience; experience level; experience point; exp; XP
to gain experience; to accumulate experiences
experienced person; person who has had a particular experience
experienced; well-versed
empirical; from experience
experienced; already had an experience (with something)
experiential; empirical; experimental
story of one's experiences
having little experience
to draw on one's experience; to make good use of one's experience; to turn one's experience to good account
sexual experience (with men)
sexual experience (with women)
having experienced (something); having had the experience (of)
empiricism; judging things from personal experience
sexual experience
having experienced (something); having had the experience (of)
practical experience; actual experience
story recounting one's personal experience
no experience necessary
experienced value (marketing term used for valuing products on customer subjective basis)
Examples (97 in total)
I have no experience.
What's important is the experience.
It was a terrific experience.