1. scenery; scene; landscape
Pitch accent
Composed of
vista; view; scene; counter for scenes (in a play)
counter for colours
Examples (26 in total)
What a fine view!
It's a magnificent view.
This scenery is picturesque.
I'll never forget the sight.
Everywhere you go, you will find the same scenery.
Japan is rich in beautiful scenery.
The tour guide pointed out the sight.
The beauty of the scenery is beyond description.
Let's sit here for a while and look at the view.
The town has beautiful surroundings.
The scenery at this mountain is very beautiful.
We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.
A magnificent sight presented itself before us.
We admired the beauty of the scenery.
We surveyed the view from the top of the hill.
I love the scenery viewable from the Shinkansen.
The scenery was beautiful beyond description.
I want to gaze at this scenery forever.
Never have I seen a more beautiful sight than this.
The country is renowned for the beauty of its mountain scenery.
This hotel has a magnificent view of the sea.
The beautiful scenery fascinates every traveler.
Kyoto is internationally famous for its scenic beauty.
This national park is full of beautiful scenery.
We climbed higher so that we might get a better view.
Whoever visits the place admires its beautiful scenery.