1. siblings; brothers and sisters
2. brothers
3. siblings-in-law; brothers-in-law; sisters-in-law
4. mate; friend
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
parents and siblings; one's relatives
brothers and sisters; siblings
siblings; brothers and sisters
brother-in-law; stepbrother; sworn brother
foster sibling; foster brother; foster sister
sworn brother; buddy; pal
quarrel between brothers
half-sibling (with a different mother)
brothers; male siblings
brotherly love; fraternal love; sibling affection
fellow pupil (apprentice)
men who have had sex with the same woman; (lit.) hole brothers
half-sibling (with a different father)
sisters; female siblings
Examples (50 in total)
I don't have any siblings.
Are they brothers?
We are brothers.